How I use Dorothy
I thought it might be interesting for people to see how I use Dorothy. What am I personally trying to keep memorized?
I thought it might be interesting for people to see how I use Dorothy. What am I personally trying to keep memorized?
Ever hop on a bike after years of not riding one? Pick up an instrument you used to play all the time but haven’t had time for lately?
Ever feel like your memories play past your eyes like an old movie? You feel like you can flick through the snapshots in an old film roll, and they seem crystal clear.
Some people are just super duper creative. We might call them creative geniuses.
If you’re someone who tends to consider the hard facts, you’re probably a concrete thinker. You make assumptions, conclusions and calls based on the information you have at hand.
You might recognize the word “autobiographical” in the context of literature. But it also applies in the context of memory: autobiographical memory.
If you’ve never heard of the “method of Loci,” read up. The method of Loci is a science-backed way to learn new information—and actually remember it.
You forgot that person’s name right after they told you? Oof.
Did you know that 3.3 billion people speak more than one language?
There are a thousand ways to study. Cramming is not the best one.