What is Mind Mapping?


AnnaMarie Houlis

Even if you don’t know what mind mapping is, chances are that you’ve used a mind map before. Mind mapping is a powerful technique that helps you visually develop your ideas and organize information. 

Mind maps often look like trees with a bunch of branches. They expand (or grow) as your ideas do. Each branch breaks down and categorizes the topic into subtopics. So the end result is a structured hierarchy of information laid out in a clean visual journey that flows and is easy to follow.

You can use mind maps to help you unpack those ah-ha light bulbs that go off in your head. You can also use these structured visuals to study already existing information by breaking down topics into more digestible compartments.

You can make mind maps as colorful and use as many graphics as you’d like. Some are very elaborate, but others are super simple. Either way, mind maps exist to help you untangle the mumbo-jumbo in your mind.

Learn more about how to make mind maps and about some of the savviest software out there to help you.

What Can I Use Mind Mapping For?

You can use mind mapping for a whole bunch of tasks. For many people, mind mapping is like doing a big mind dump. Sometimes, just getting your thoughts and ideas on paper is helpful in and of itself. 

Of course, organizing all of the information with a mind map is even more beneficial.

Here are some of the many ways you can use mind mapping:

In other words, you can use mind mapping for everything from the serious stuff to the small stuff.

Anything you want to do that requires a lot of thought could probably benefit from a mind map. A mind map provides you with an expansive flow to support your thinking.

5 Easy Steps to Make a Mind Map

We can talk about how great mind maps are all day. But how do you make a mind map that actually helps you do great things?

Here are five simple steps to make a mind map that works:

1. Don’t over-complicate your mind map.

Mind maps are meant to simplify things for you. You don’t need to go crazy with it. That doesn’t mean don’t over-compartmentalize. But it does mean do use simple and concise language that’s easy to read and follow.

2. Start with the main topic, and go from there.

First things first, start with the main topic. It’s important to note that you might think you have the main topic, but really consider whether or not that topic is actually even broader. Write your main topic in the middle of the map.

An example might be “My Dream Wedding.” From there, you’ll draw branches that lead to subtopics like “venues,” which could further break down into the pros and cons of each venue. This is just one example!

3. Make sure to use short keywords.

As you break down your topic into subtopics, make sure to use words that are quick and concise. A mind map is a visual tool that should be super simple to look at. You don’t want to be reading long lines for each branch. Instead, the keywords should jump out to you so you can look at the whole mind map holistically when you’re done.

4. Use visuals and color.

Visuals and color can help improve your memory retention. Therefore, incorporating graphics or logos or different colors into different sections of your mind map can help you familiarize yourself with it.

5. Attach notes to your mind map.

Your mind map should be visually appealing that it’s short, sweet and to the point. However, you can attach longer notes to your branches by linking to other documents or research files. This way, you don’t clutter the map with a whole bunch of text, but you have easy, organized access to go into much more depth.

Tips for Making a Mind Map

Mind maps exist to help you, so don’t over complicate them. Here are some tips to help mind maps help you.

5 Best Mind Mapping Software Tools in 2023

While you can certainly draw a mind map on a napkin or create one in a document on your laptop, there are actually software tools to help you make mind maps.

These mind map tools make mind mapping even simpler—and they add so much flair so you can really get creative with your mind map.

Here are five of our favorite mind mapping software tools in 2023.

1. ClickUp

ClickUp is a popular mind map tool that claims to be one app that exists to “replace them all.” You can create tasks, draw on whiteboards, set goals for yourself and even create regular shared documents. And ClickUp Mind Maps allow you to draw connections between tasks and ideas and map out workflows with drag-and-drop nodes.

You can even use ClickUp AI to write notes for you, simplify your language, summarize your points, fix spelling and more.



2. XMind

XMind is a mind-mapping app that does exactly what it says: helps you mind map. It compares itself to a Swiss Army Knife, offering a complete toolset for thinking and creating outside the box.

You can easily capture your ideas by writing them down freely or using pre-set structures. From there, you can use drag-and-drop lines to connect subtopics and organize your thoughts. You can even use color themes and explore different styles to customize your mind map. 



3. MindManager

MindManager allows you to easily capture your ideas and transform them into actionable plans with more than mind maps; you can also create flowcharts and timelines. Thanks to all of these, you can easily plan and manage projects, compile research and define processes.

MindManager comes with a web version and multiple levels, whether you’re using it for personal or professional use. Tons of big-name companies use it, including P&G and conEdison.



4. Miro

Miro is a very popular mind-mapping tool that companies big and small use all the time to flesh out ideas. It’s a completely visual platform that’s designed for collaboration and creation. And it’s trusted by more than 50 million users, including Best Buy and Deloitte.



5. MindMeister

MindMeister is a mind-mapping tool that is trusted by 25 million users already. It allows you to manage tasks, collaborate with your team and share your visualized ideas with others. You can choose from all sorts of layouts, and you can add media and comments. Notifications also allow you to start discussions within the map itself. 



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