The Best Bird Identification Quiz for All Levels 


Jordan Hammond

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast who can ID a bird song from a quarter-mile away, or just a regular person who needs a new hobby and landed on birding, this quiz is for you. From the elusive Indigo Bunting, to the mysterious Cedar Waxwing, to the oh-so-common Northern Cardinal (the state bird of 7 different US states), our interactive bird identification quiz will challenge your knowledge of bird species from North America — and our handy study sets will help you get better at knowing which bird you’re looking at.

A Primer on Breaking Down Bird Identification: Start With Region

Identifying different bird species can be frustrating at first, but it’s significantly easier when you break them down by region. Geography is really the first consideration you should make when trying to ID a bird. Sure, there are the occasional vagrants, like the Mandarin Duck that mysteriously appeared in Central Park, or the Aningha that got lost and wound up in Brooklyn.  

But barring the exceptional, where you are is step one in figuring out what you’re looking at. 

Let’s start with North America (you can move on to South America, Africa and other parts of the world later). 

North America boasts a diverse array of bird species, each with unique plumage, calls, and behaviors. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just starting out, region-based study can help you master the art of bird identification. 

Geography is not necessarily a foolproof indicator, and there are plenty of birds that stick to just a few areas of particular states. Still, it’s a great way to get started. So many bird identifications hinge on whether you’re in the Eastern US, or Western (example: The Mountain Chickadee vs the Black-Capped Chickadee).

How Does Our Bird Identification Quiz Work?

The best part about our bird identification quiz is that it’s not just a quiz — it’s also a study set. As we mentioned, regional differences are critical in bird identification, which is why we’ve started with the North America East.

We also included a variety of species (from American Redstarts to Northern Flickers to American Kestrels) to engage birders of all levels. 

It works like this: You’ll be presented with pictures of various bird species, from graceful shorebirds to awe-inspiring owls. Can you correctly identify the Downy Woodpecker? Or will you mix it up with the slightly more pointy-beaked Hairy Woodpecker? 

You’ll have the chance to study each image and get familiar with the species based on their distinct markings, wing patterns, and colors. 

And while our quiz may focus on the American East, you can make your own quizzes. It’s one of the cooler features of the Dorothy Memory App, and it’ll be clutch for you if you’re an advanced birder who’s trying to zero in on a niche area (e.g., tree-clinging birds of the Caribbean). 

Without further ado, click on the link below to access your birding study sets and their respective bird identification quiz:

Take the Quiz

All you have to do is add the quiz to your study set (requires a login, but it’s free!), get studying, and whenever you feel ready, quiz yourself.

Tips to Enhance Your Birding Experience

Whether you’re an avid bird watcher or just getting started, honing your bird identification skills can make the experience so much more rewarding. It can also enhance your wildlife experience — there’s something very Pokemon-like about “collecting” bird sightings. 

Over time, you’ll get better at learning to distinguish between the calls of different bird species, recognizing their flight patterns, and identifying their unique plumage markings. 

Here are few tips to keep in mind:

Ready to test your bird identification prowess? Our bird identification quiz isn’t just a fun way to challenge yourself; think of it as a long overdue opportunity to learn more about the incredible diversity of bird species in the Americas. 

From common birds, to rare finds, to the downright elusive (I’ve been birding for years and somehow still haven’t seen an Indigo Bunting), this quiz will put your birding skills to the test.

Happy birding!

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